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Over 18 million people in the United States suffer from depression each year. There are MILLIONS more around the world.
People in the US and abroad have been depressed for so long, they actually BELIEVE that it is a way of life.
There is NO way to conquer depression.
Your life SHOULD NOT be in a continuous state of depression, but JOY SHOULD REIGN as our Lord Jesus Christ has destined for YOU!
In this powerful 5–Part Series on ADHD, Depression and Bipolar Disorders, Faith Life Tabernacle International Ministries has teamed up with a group of mental health professionals that have given their actual testimonies so you can become delivered. Through this series, you will learn to become aware of the signs of these disorders and the treatment options that are available.
Even if you are not going through depression, this series will give you the wisdom to help others. You will see that you and others can live a successful and productive life. Remember, there is hope.